He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he's moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain. He who spends his life moving toward his treasures has reason to rejoice. Are you despairing or rejoicing?
- Randy Alcorn

Suppose you could gain everything in the whole world, and lost your soul. Was it worth it?
- Billy Graham

Give me five minutes with a person's checkbook, and I will tell you where their heart is.
- Billy Graham
There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.
- Billy Graham
Luxury! More perilous to youth than storms or quicksand, poverty or chains.
- Hannah More
God doesn't look at just what we give. He also looks at what we keep.
- Randy Alcorn
Many Christians dread the thought of leaving this world. Why? Because so many have stored up their treasures on earth, not in heaven. Each day brings us closer to death. If your treasures are on earth, that means each day brings you closer to losing your treasures.
- Randy Alcorn
When you plant your seed in the Kingdom of God, the Lord will multiply it far better than Wall Street.
- John Hagee
Our Lord commonly giveth Riches to such gross asses, to whom he affordeth nothing else that is good.
- Martin Luther
We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.
- Billy Graham
You cannot sift out the poor from the community. The poor are indispensable to the rich.
- Henry Ward Beecher
It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.
- George Mueller
Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.
- Assorted Authors
To meet Jesus is to look yourself in the pocketbook, which is the most unmistakable way of looking yourself in the heart.
- Assorted Authors
It is a great cause oftentimes why God blesseth not means, because we are so apt to trust in them, and rob God of his glory, not waiting for a blessing at his hands.
- Abraham Wright
The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all.
- G.K. Chesterton
There are no men more careful of the use of means than those that are surest of a good issue and conclusion, for the one stirs up diligence in the other. Assurance of the end stirs up diligence in the means. For the soul of a believing Christian knows that God has decreed both.
- Richard Sibbes
Play not for gain, but sport; who plays for more than he can lose with pleasure stakes his heart.
- George Herbert
Great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin. Great eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin.
- Desiderius Erasmus
There is a burden of care in getting riches; fear in keeping them; temptation in using them; guilt in abusing them; sorrow in losing them; and a burden of account at last to be given concerning them.
- Matthew Henry
What treasures here do Mammon's sons behold! Yet know that all that which glitters is not gold.
- Francis Quarles
It is much better to have your gold in the hand than in the heart.
- Thomas Fuller
Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Financial pursuits and gains are not the key to happiness; the key is keeping God first.
- Paul Chappell
Means without God cannot help. God without means can, and often doth. I will use good means, but not rest in them.
- Joseph Hall
He that is proud of riches is a fool. For if he is exalted above his neighbors because he has more gold, how much inferior is he to a gold mine.
- Jeremy Taylor
Interest works night and day in fair weather and in foul. It gnaws at a man's substance with invisible teeth.
- Henry Ward Beecher
You had better be a poor man and a rich Christian, than a rich man and a poor Christian. You had better do anything, bear anything, and be anything rather than be a dwarf in grace.
- Thomas Brooks
Let us not ask of the Lord deceitful riches, nor the good things of this world, nor transitory honors; but let us ask for light.
- Assorted Authors
If the riches of the Indies, or the crowns of all the kingdoms of Europe, were laid at my feet in exchange for my love of reading, I would spurn them all.
- Francois Fenelon
I could have anything I wanted and if I didn't have it, it was because I didn't want it.
- Kirk Cameron
Do you wish to become rich? You may become so if you desire it in no half-way, but thoroughly. Do you wish to master any science or accomplishment? Give yourself to it and it lies beneath your feet. This world is given as the prize for the men in earnest; and that which is true of this world, is truer still of the world to come.
- Frederick W. Robertson
As a man loves gold, in that proportion he hates to be imposed upon by counterfeits; and in proportion as a man has regard for that which is above price and better than gold, he abhors that hypocrisy which is but its counterfeit.
- Richard Cecil