We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.
- Chuck Swindoll

Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitudes toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.
- Chuck Swindoll

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
- Chuck Swindoll

Encouragement is awesome. It (can) actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life.
- Chuck Swindoll

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
- Chuck Swindoll

When God is involved, anything can happen. Be open. Stay that way. God has a beautiful way of bringing good vibrations out of broken chords.
- Chuck Swindoll

The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray.
- Chuck Swindoll

Alleged impossibilities are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched.
- Chuck Swindoll

We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
- Chuck Swindoll
In place of our exhaustion and spiritual fatigue, God will give us rest. All He asks is that we come to Him...that we spend a while thinking about Him, meditating on Him, talking to Him, listening in silence, occupying ourselves with Him - totally and thoroughly lost in the hiding place of His presence.
- Chuck Swindoll
To be used of God. Is there anything more encouraging, more fulfilling? Perhaps not, but there is something more basic: to meet with God. To linger in His presence, to shut out the noise of the city and, in quietness, give Him the praise He deserves. Before we engage ourselves in His work, let's meet Him in His Word... in prayer... in worship.
- Chuck Swindoll
The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it's a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free.
- Chuck Swindoll
When intimidated by who's sitting in the audience, we should remember the King of Kings is also here, and it's his message.
- Chuck Swindoll
You want to mess up the minds of your children? Here's how - guaranteed! Rear them in a legalistic, tight context of external religion, where performance is more important than reality. Fake your faith. Sneak around and pretend your spirituality . Train your children to do the same. Embrace a long list of do's and don'ts publicly but hypocritically practice them privately... yet never own up to the fact that its hypocrisy. Act one way but live another. And you can count on it - emotional and spiritual damage will occur.
- Chuck Swindoll
Emmanuel. God with us. He who resided in Heaven, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, willingly descended into our world. He breathed our air, felt our pain, knew our sorrows, and died for our sins. He didn't come to frighten us, but to show us the way to warmth and safety.
- Chuck Swindoll
More than once Jesus deliberately addressed certain issues that quickly diminished the number of onlookers. It was commitment that thinned the ranks.
- Chuck Swindoll
When I think of vision, I have in mind the ability to see above and beyond the majority.
- Chuck Swindoll
Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.
- Chuck Swindoll
When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.
- Chuck Swindoll
The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
- Chuck Swindoll
If you are having difficulty loving or relating to an individual, take him to God. Bother the Lord with this person. Don't you be bothered with him - leave him at the throne.
- Chuck Swindoll
Few things are more infectious than a godly lifestyle. The people you rub shoulders with everyday need that kind of challenge. Not prudish. Not preachy. Just cracker jack clean living. Just honest to goodness, bone - deep, non-hypocritical integrity.
- Chuck Swindoll
The habit of always putting off an experience until you can afford it, or until the time is right, or until you know how to do it is one of the greatest burglars of joy. Be deliberate, but once you've made up your mind-jump in.
- Chuck Swindoll
In vain I have searched the Bible, looking for examples of early believers whose lives were marked by rigidity, predictability, inhibition, dullness, and caution. Fortunately, grim, frowning, joyless saints in Scriptures are conspicuous by their absence. Instead, the examples I find are of adventurous, risk-taking, enthusiastic, and authentic believers whose joy was contagious even in times of full trial. Their vision was broad even when death drew near. Rules were few and changes were welcome. The contrast between then and now is staggering.
- Chuck Swindoll
A saying I heard years ago: 'It doesn't matter what you do. Just do something, even if it's wrong!' That's the most stupid counsel I've ever heard. Never do what's wrong! Do nothing until it's right. Then do it with all your might. That's wise counsel.
- Chuck Swindoll
A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.
- Chuck Swindoll
The swift wind of compromise is a lot more devastating than the sudden jolt of misfortune.
- Chuck Swindoll
Alleged "impossibilities" are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched.
- Chuck Swindoll
If we want the advantages of love, then we must be willing to take the risks of love. And that requires vulnerability. Of course, we can refuse this path and trod another one devoid of openness. But the toll on such a road is extremely high.
- Chuck Swindoll
If you're running a 26-mile marathon, remember that every mile is run one step at a time. If you are writing a book, do it one page at a time. If you're trying to master a new language, try it one word at a time. There are 365 days in the average year. Divide any project by 365 and you'll find that no job is all that intimidating.
- Chuck Swindoll
The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.
- Chuck Swindoll
When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God. In fact, it might mean you're right in the centre of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss.
- Chuck Swindoll