80 Quotes About Morality

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Human will-power alone is not enough. Will-power is excellent and we should always be using it; but it is not enough. A desire to live a good life is not enough. Obviously we should all have that desire, but it will not guarantee success. So let me put it thus: Hold on to your principles of morality and ethics, use your willpower to the limit, pay great heed to every noble, uplifting desire that is in you; but realize that these things alone are not enough, that they will never bring you to the desired place. We have to realize that all our best is totally inadequate, that a spiritual battle must be fought in a spiritual manner.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
- George Washington

To risk reputation and affection for the truth's sake is so demanding that to do it constantly you will need a degree of moral principle that only the Spirit of God can work in you. Do not turn your back like a coward, but play the man. Follow boldly in your Master's steps, for He has made this rough journey before you. Better a brief warfare and eternal rest than false peace and everlasting torment.
- Alistair Begg

The moral absolutes rest upon God's character. The moral commands He has given to men are an expression of His character. Men as created in His image are to live by choice on the basis of what God is. The standards of morality are determined by what conforms to His character, while those things which do not conform are immoral.
- Francis Schaeffer

We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.
- A. W. Tozer

Vanity of science. Knowledge of physical science will not console me for ignorance of morality in time of affliction, but knowledge of morality will always console me for ignorance of physical science.
- Blaise Pascal

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The consideration that human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected will always continue to prompt me to promote the former by inculcating the practice of the latter.
- George Washington

Unless the will is free, man has no freedom; and if he has no freedom he is not a moral agent, that is, he is incapable of moral action and also of moral character.
- Charles Finney

We must preserve our moral foundation and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as gifts of God. Then we need to demand that anyone who wishes to represent us do the same.
- Judge Roy Moore

Morality may keep you out of jail, but it takes the blood of Jesus Christ to keep you out of hell.
- Charles Spurgeon

Abortion is too often an atonement for the consequences of immorality, the sins of the parents.
- Ed Cole

Pure morality points you to the purest one of all. When impure, it points you to yourself. The purer your habits, the closer to God you will come. Moralizing from impure motives takes you away from God.
- Ravi Zacharias

If Jesus sets the divine standard for morality, I could now have an unwavering foundation for my choices and decisions, rather than basing them on the ever-shifting sands of expediency and self-centeredness.
- Lee Strobel

Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarrelled with him?
- Blaise Pascal

It is shorter to state the things forbidden than the things permitted; precisely because most things are permitted and only a few things forbidden.
- G.K. Chesterton

Because of the diverse conditions of humans, it happens that some acts are virtuous to some people, as appropriate and suitable to them, while the same acts are immoral for others, as inappropriate to them.
- Thomas Aquinas

The obligation of human beings to support and obey human governments, while they legislate upon the principles of the moral law, is an unalterable as the moral law itself.
- Charles Finney

Civilization today reminds me of an ape with a blowtorch playing in a room full of dynamite. It looks like the monkeys are about to operate the zoo, and the inmates are taking over the asylum.
- Vance Havner

If any country were indeed filled with men, each thus diligently discharging the duties of his own station without breaking in upon the rights of others, but on the contrary endeavoring, so far as he might be able, to forward their views and promote their happiness, all would be active and harmonious in the goodly frame of human society.
- William Wilberforce

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

The Moral Law tells us the tune we have to play: our instincts are merely the keys.
- C.S. Lewis

Every young man would do well to remember that all successful business stands on the foundation of morality.
- Henry Ward Beecher

Prayer is often a temptation to bank on a miracle of God instead of on a moral issue, i.e., it is much easier to ask God to do my work than it is to do it myself. Until we are disciplined properly, we will always be inclined to bank on God's miracles and refuse to do the moral thing ourselves. It is our job, and it will never be done unless we do it.
- Oswald Chambers

Concupiscence and force are the source of all our actions; concupiscence causes voluntary actions, force involuntary ones.
- Blaise Pascal

In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine. Every moral rule is there to prevent a breakdown, or a strain, or a friction, in the running of that machine. That is why these rules at first seem to be constantly interfering with our natural inclinations.
- C.S. Lewis

As conscience grows more passive and the evil spirit supplies his guidance, some Christians begin to lower their moral standard - thinking they henceforth live according to a higher life principle, and therefore treat immoral matters as not quite so immoral any more.
- Watchman Nee

You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that.
- Billy Sunday

Bad seed is a robbery of the worst kind: for your pocket-book not only suffers by it, but your preparations are lost and a season passes away unimproved.
- George Washington

The moral law of God is the only law of individuals and of nations, and nothing can be rightful government but such as is established and administered with a view to its support.
- Charles Finney

Really great moral teachers never do introduce new moralities: it is quacks and cranks who do that.
- C.S. Lewis

Morality is a neat cover for foul venom, but it does not alter the fact that the heart is vile, and the man himself is under damnation. Men will be damned with good works as well as without them, if they make them their confidence (rather than Jesus Christ).
- Charles Spurgeon

Christianity is the only system of faith which combines religious beliefs with corresponding principles of morality. It builds ethics on religion.
- Austin Phelps

Critics of Christianity correctly point out that the church has proved an unreliable carrier of moral values. The church has indeed made mistakes, launching Crusades, censuring scientists, burning witches, trading in slaves, supporting tyrannical regimes. Yet the church also has an inbuilt potential for self-correction because it rests on a platform of transcendent moral authority. When human beings take upon themselves the Luciferian chore of redefining morality, untethered to any transcendent source, all hell breaks loose.
- Phillips Brooks

I say that a man must be certain of his morality for the simple reason that he has to suffer for it.
- G.K. Chesterton

There is nothing indulgent about the Moral Law. It is as hard as nails. If God is like the Moral Law, then He is not soft.
- C.S. Lewis

The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos.
- A. W. Tozer

When we forget God, we lose the only true basis for morality and ethics, and we are cast upon the shifting sands of moral relativism in which anything goes, including lying, cheating and stealing.
- Judge Roy Moore

The greatest harm that can be suffered in the fight against perceived evil and injustice is not physical death or "occupation." It is the death of the conscience and spirit cut off from the nourishment of moral law.
- Alan Keyes

If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

There is not only a lack of success for condoms. It's worse than that -- they are utter failures.
- Wendy Wright

Human art and science are employed to make lust appealing, to make drinking popular, to present the world's ungodly standard of morals as the ideal for the young and unsuspecting youth who sees the films. I find that every indictment I made against the movie industry and the theater six years ago (1932) is still true.
- John R. Rice

If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin.
- Albert Mohler

Critics of Christianity correctly point out that the church has proved an unreliable carrier of moral values. The church has indeed made mistakes, launching Crusades, censuring scientists, burning witches, trading in slaves, supporting tyrannical regimes. Yet the church also has an inbuilt potential for self-correction because it rests on a platform of transcendent moral authority. When human beings take upon themselves the Luciferian chore of redefining morality, untethered to any transcendent source, all hell breaks loose.
- Philip Yancey

One can regard the moral law as an illusion, and so cut himself off from the common ground of humanity.
- C.S. Lewis

The modernists started with the assumption that science is the only source of sure knowledge, that nature is all there is, and thus that morality is merely a human invention that can be changed to meet changing circumstances in an evolving world.
- Chuck Colson

Where painting is weakest, namely, in the expression of the highest moral and spiritual ideas, there music is sublimely strong.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe

In this age of "gotcha" politics, it seems that there is an almost recreational spirit of enjoyment that many people take regarding the failings of others. As Christians, we should never take this cavalier attitude toward other's moral tragedies.
- Jonathan Falwell

The greatest harm that can be suffered in the fight against perceived evil and injustice is not physical death or "occupation." It is the death of the conscience and spirit cut off from the nourishment of moral law.
- Alan Keyes

The movies spend so many millions of dollars in publicity that no great medium of expression or opinion in America remains uncontrolled.
- John R. Rice

Total Quotes Found: 81