Adrian Rogers Quote – A Falling Apart Bible

“If you have a Bible that’s falling apart, you’ll have a life that’s not.”

– Adrian Rogers

4 Reasons why the Bible is the glue that can bind any life together

Adrian Roger’s quote above is so rich, poignant, and multilayered. It is so rich because it is so true. The Bible has many different faces and different meanings to many different people. The Bible contains the Truth because it is the word of God but it has many different dimensions. It is important to be aware of and develop an appreciation for many of the dimension the Bible holds so we can fully grasp and understand the many blessing it brings to our lives. Make no mistakes about it-the Bible can bind any life, even yours, together. And not just that-the Bible, and the truths it contains, can take your life to a much higher level.

The Bible Reassures

It is too easy to get depressed, cynical, and feel defeated. That’s how rough life can be. Satan wants to defeat us. Satan wants to thoroughly wipe out the image of God stamped in our beings. When we’re caught in Satan’s daily snares and storms, we only need to think back to the Bible and its many reassuring truths. The Bible says that God only wants the best for us and wants to prosper and not harm us. By focusing on this and countless other reassurances, we can weather any and all storms the Devil causes in our lives.

The Bible Reminds us of What Is Right

The Devil works his power through confusion. Things that may seem right and feel right might look and feel like they lead to God when they are, in reality, traps set out by the Devil. By constantly reading our Bibles and understanding it in context, we are able to resist the Devil’s daily tricks which seek to lead us astray from God’s truth.

The Bible Gives Us Energy To Keep Going

Make no mistake about it, the Bible can give you the power and motivation to continue in your Christian walk when it is so easy to just stop or slow down. The Bible is motivating because it shows story after story of broken and flawed human beings who were used by God to show his love and grace. We can give God permission to channel his power, through his grace, in our lives as well.

The Bible Keeps Us Humble

A full understanding of the Bible can’t but make any true Christian feel humble. Seriously. Why? The bedrock of salvation is the truth that we are all fallen. We can’t save ourselves. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. We need a savior. This realization humbles the heart. This realization opens the heart to God’s grace and love.

Keep your Bible ready and accessible at all times. It delivers many many benefits. You just need to let the truth it contains touch your heart on a daily basis.

Original image source: cc-by Patrick Feller modifications: overlay texture, added text, cropped image