3 Reasons All Things Work For Our Best

“God works things out on his timetable to bring the best results for us.”

– Alan Robertson

Those Who Love God

God works everything out in our life according to His perfect purposes (Rom 8:28), and that includes the bad that happens to us too. I would even say, especially the bad things, because for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, He allows things to happen to us that might not feel good at the time but work for our good in the end. It’s okay.  That’s according to His purpose. Whatever you are going through right now, God is using this to do His will in your life, but only for those who love God.

All Things Working

When the Apostle Paul wrote, “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28), he wanted the Christians in Rome (and us) to know that God is working all of these things out in their life, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense right now. He wants us to trust Him in all these things, good or bad. If we see with the eyes of faith, we’ll not be dwelling as much on the “things” as we dwell upon Him.

According to His Purpose

Isaiah the Prophet reminds all of us that God’s “thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8), so when things begin to crumble around us, we have to remember that these things are not outside of the will of God, but directly in the will of God. The evil done to Joseph was how God accomplished much good (Gen 50:20). One look at the cross shows that all this evil worked out “according to His purpose,” which was our salvation.


God works things out on his timetable to bring the best results for us, so the timing is His and not ours. Personally, I want His timetable and not mine because all things work to our good, even when it doesn’t look that way.