20 Amazing Quotes about God’s Holiness

Our God is holy! As we try to live holy lives and be more like Him, let these quotes and Bible verses help you and guide you.
God doth not govern the world only by his will as an absolute monarch, but by his wisdom and goodness as a tender father. It is not his greatest pleasure to show his sovereign power, or his inconceivable wisdom, but his immense goodness, to which he makes the other attributes subservient.
- Stephen Charnock

What an immense workman is God! In miniature as well as in the great. With the one hand, perhaps, He is making a ring of one hundred thousand miles in diameter, to revolve round a planet like Saturn, and with the other is forming a tooth in the ray of the feather of a humming-bird, or a point in the claw of the foot of a microscopic insect. When He works in miniature, everything is gilded, polished, and perfect, but whatever is made by human art, as a needle, etc., when viewed by a microscope, appears rough, and coarse, and bungling.
- William Law

Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly good, and partaking of God's holiness.
- Matthew Henry

Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
- Revelation 15:4

“Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
- Exodus 15:11

As well might a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God. A God whom we could understand would be no God. If we could grasp Him, He could not be infinite. If we could understand Him, He could not be divine.
- Charles Spurgeon

An ineffably holy God, who has the utmost abhorrence of sin, was never invented by any of Adam's descendents.
- A. W. Pink

God's holiness means He is separate from sin. But holiness in God also means wholeness. God's holiness is His "God-ness." It is His being God in all that it means for Him to be God. To meet God in His holiness, therefore, is to be altogether overwhelmed by the discovery that He is God, and not man.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson

I simply define glory as the beauty of God unveiled. Glory is the resplendent radiance of His power and His personality. Glory is all of God that makes God, and shows Him to be worthy of our praise and our boasting and our trust and our hope and our confidence and our joy.
- Sam Storms

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!
- Psalm 108:5

In holiness God is more clearly seen than in anything else, save in the Person of Christ Jesus the Lord, of whose life such holiness is but a repetition.
- Charles Spurgeon

The holiness of God only secondarily refers to His moral purity, His righteousness of character. It primarily points to His infinite otherness. To say that God is holy is to say that He is transcendentally separate. Holiness is not one attribute among many. It is not like grace or power or knowledge or wrath. Everything about God is holy. Each attribute partakes of divine holiness.
- Sam Storms

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.
- 1 Chronicles 29:11

God is not proud. He will have us even though we have shown that we prefer everything else to Him.
- C.S. Lewis

Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, the nourishment of the mind with His truth, the purifying of the imagination of His beauty, the opening of the heart to His love, the surrender of the will to His purpose.
- William Temple

No other work of man in any language even faintly resembles the intricate structure and design of the Bible. The fact remains - only an infinite mind could have devised this Book of books.
- Winkie Pratney

God works powerfully, but for the most part gently and gradually.
- John Newton

God never does anything accidentally, and he never makes mistakes.
- Rick Warren

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
- C.S. Lewis

Do not strive in your own strength; cast yourself at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and wait upon Him in the sure confidence that He is with you, and works in you. Strive in prayer; let faith fill your heart-so will you be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
- Andrew Murray

Total Quotes Found: 20

We can never be fully perfect in this life, but because we have a holy God who loves us, we can still live in victory. Praise our holy God!