3 Reasons God is Enough for Me

“God is enough.”

– Hannah Whitall Smith

The Sufficiency of Christ

There is nothing more that we need in this life if we have repented and put our trust in Christ. In Him we have every possible spiritual blessing we will ever need (Eph 1:3). Even in our weaknesses–and believe me I have many–His grace is made perfect in that weakness (2 Cor 12:9). That’s why Paul was content even with weaknesses, hardships, calamities, insults, and persecutions (2 Cor 12:10). Paul saw Christ as the full sufficiency for his life, and that should be sufficient for us, too. For Paul, Christ was enough. Is He for you?

Complete in Him

Paul wrote to the Colossians that they are complete if they are in Christ (Col 2:10). What else do we need if we have been made a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17)? Since Christ has perfected us by His one supreme sacrifice (Heb 10:14) and we are now seen as having Jesus’ own righteousness before the Father (2 Cor 5:21), what more could we possibly need? We have every treasure we could possibly need (Col 2:3), and we can brag about this only if we brag on the goodness of God (1 Cor 1:31; 2 Cor 12:9).

Glorifying God in Clay Vessels

I believe the reason God called those who are the weak of the world, or the least of the world, is so that He receives the glory. Our treasure is contained in weak, clay vessels, which proves that the true power in us has as its source God Himself and not us (2 Cor 4:7). That means that even our adequacies come from God (2 Cor 3:5). If God had not been on our side, we would have no hope (Psalm 124:1-2), and if God is for us, who or what could ever come against us (Rom 8:31)? The answer is nothing at all (Rom 8:37-39).


For me, God is enough, but I am too much. I need God. He does not need me, but He has chosen me (Eph 1), and exactly why I cannot tell. I just know He has. That is enough for me because God is enough, and that settles it.

Original image source: cc-by Jochen Spalding modifications: overlay texture, added text, cropped image