Tim Keller Quote – Miracles of Jesus

“We modern people think of miracles as the suspension of the natural order, but Jesus meant them to be the restoration of the natural order. The Bible tells us that God did not originally make the world to have disease, hunger, and death in it. Jesus has come to redeem where it is wrong and heal the world where it is broken. His miracles are not just proofs that he has power but also wonderful foretastes of what he is going to do with that power. Jesus’ miracles are not just a challenge to our minds, but a promise to our hearts, that the world we all want is coming.”

-Tim Keller

Tim Keller’s Miracles of Jesus Quote Commentary

As Tim Keller’s quote puts it-our modern thinking looks at ‘miracles’ as unnatural, out-of-place, and unusual. Isn’t this the reason why many people no longer believe in miracles. They are looking for huge spectacular crowd-pleasing miracles. They want something that would race across the globe’s headlines and make for great television. If this is how you define miracles, you’re overlooking the biggest source of miracles in this day and age-your very own life. If you are completely honest with yourself and look deep enough into your own personal story, you’d notice that miracles happen all the time. It is too easy to marginalize Jesus into the realm of the supernatural but how many addictions has he stopped? How many relationships has He healed and restored? How many mindsets has he transformed? How many broken, hopeless lives has he transformed into beacons of hope for others? This is the hotbed of miracles you don’t hear about on cable news. This is the multitude of blessings Jesus continues to work in our own day and age that people overlook.

Claim your miracle today

Whatever you’re struggling with, Jesus, the Creator of everything, can fix-if you let him. You see, Jesus has already given us the victory. We only need to look at the cross to see the extent God himself will go to for us. However, our lack of belief, our focus on ourselves, pride, and fear keep our hearts from him. Jesus already laid out liberation from addiction, freedom from negative thinking, and great opportunities in front of us. The problem is, we need to reach out to claim them. We need to believe to grasp them. Jesus has always gentle-he won’t impose his blessings on us. We need to accept. Jesus has many miracles in store in your life because He came so we can all have a full life. He came to liberate prisoners-both from walls we can see as well as invisible prisons. He came to make the lame walk-restoring both those with paralyzed legs and those with paralyzed minds. He came so we can truly live. But we need to claim these miracles.

Stepping out in faith

Miracles happen all the time. However, it takes faith to claim them. Are you willing to overcome your own sense of doubt and fear of ridicule to claim the rich blessings God has ready for you? Are you ready to set aside your fear, doubt, pride, unforgiveness, guilt, and simply trust the Lord? If so, be prepared to see and experience truly amazing things. After all, Christ himself said that if we only had the faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains. Are you ready to move the impassable mountains of your personal life today?

Original image source: cc-by Nina Matthews modifications: overlay texture, added text, cropped image