4 Ways Faith Can Conquer Fear

“God is in control and therefore in everything I can give thanks.”

– Kay Arthur

God of the Storms

Have you heard the song, “Praise You in this Storm?” I love it and I believe God loves it when we praise Him when things are caving in around us, when we’re in the middle of a storm, and all hope seems lost. God is most pleased when we praise Him at times like these because we acknowledge that God is in control at every moment of every second of every day. He is the God of the storms and He is sovereign over the storms. I hope that calms your fears in the storm you’re in or the one you’re about to go in.

God is Infinite

God is infinite and all He owns is all that exists, so imagine how much resources God has at His disposal. Years ago I remember hearing at Bible study about someone whose house burned down. They lost everything, and unfortunately, they were in between changing their home owners insurance. I was stunned when the guy who was telling us about him said that the man said, “Okay, God, look what happened to your house! It’s your house anyway. It’s not really ours; were just stewards.” What optimism in the face of calamity! God must be pleased with that because this man knew God was in control and everything that happens will work according to His purposes (Rom 8:28).

God’s Purposes

God has a purpose for everything that happens. We already know that, but God may be doing something that we’ve never thought about. Sometime God will allow problems in people’s lives to soften their hearts and humble them. When we try to solve their problems, we might be getting between the Rock (God) and the hammer (the problems). Sometimes we just don’t know when to help or back away. Pray for wisdom in this area because God may be using circumstances to make them trust in Him and not in their own resources. He is still sovereign; always has been and always will be. Thank Him for that.

Giving Thanks to God

The Apostle Paul told the church at Thessalonica to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1st Thess 5:18). People want to know what the will of God is, so here it is! We’re to “give thanks in all circumstances” good or bad, because “this is the will of God.” We want to do God’s will, so here is our opportunity. Have you thanked God for the flat tire? Have you thanked God for your spouse? Have you thanked God for your suffering? We are to give thanks to God…and to do so “in all circumstances,” because “this is the will of God.”


I love Kay Arthur and she’s right; “God is in control and therefore in everything I can give thanks.” It’s biblical and its God’s will. If you want to obey God’s will, praise Him in the storm, trust His infinite resources, know that He has a purpose for everything, and give thanks to Him, no matter what happens.